Grafton Public School

"Nothing Without Effort"

Telephone02 6642 1000


Students are expected to wear their school uniform every day.

Students are required to wear their uniform whenever they participate in activities outside the school. 

Students and/or parents/carers will be informed when temporary changes, example mufti days, are allowed.

Students in Year 3 – Year 6 classes have a sports uniform which is to be worn on the appropriate day.

Uniform Info PDF File

Uniforms are available from:


Grafton Shoppingworld
52-74 Fitzroy Street Grafton, 
NSW 2460

Phone: 02 6642 7355

Monday to Wednesday 9am to 5:30pm

Thursday 9am to 7pm

Friday 9am to 5:30pm

Saturday 9am to 5pm

Sunday 10am to 3pm